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National Baby Back Ribs Day

Origin: No one is really sure where the term barbecue originated. The conventional wisdom is that the Spanish, upon landing in the Caribbean, used the word barbacoa to refer to the natives’ method of slow-cooking meat over a wooden platform.

National Bacon Day

Bacon is a very popular food in the USA. In 2020, over half of the U.S. population said they used a pound or more bacon that year. You can also find many items flavored or scented with bacon, including popcorn, soap, candles, air fresheners, and much more. While these uses fit right into the day,

National Eat Outside Day

Friends, fresh air, and good food are the focus of National Eat Outside Day every year on August 31. Whether at home, a park, a favorite restaurant or food truck, or the beach, food just tastes better when we eat it under the open sky. Origin: During the 17th century, beer gardens were created in Bavaria,